Corrective Action Plan (CAP) 작성 내용에 대해 알아보려고 합니다.
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보통은 문제되는 사항에 대해 Corrective Action Plan (CAP)을 일정 기간 내에 작성하여 제출하고 있습니다.
한편으로는 Critical issue (심각한 사항)에 대해서는 공장 Rate가 낮아져 문제가 되기도 합니다.
아래는 공장에 문제되는 사항에 대해 Corrective Action 예시를 해 놓았습니다.
(영어로 되어 있는 점 양해해 주시고, 업무에 도움이 되시길 바랍니다.)
(Finding) 1/ The factory policies do not include a specific procedure for age verification related to young workers and child labor.
<Proposed Corrective Action>
•Establish specific age verification procedures outlining recruitment steps.
•Provide training on age verification processes and legal requirements.
•Perform internal audits to ensure compliance with age verification practices.
•Track the effectiveness of age verification processes continuously.
•Provide information on age verification during the recruitment process.
•Schedule regular reviews and updates of age verification policies.
(Finding) 2/ A key member of the recruitment team is unfamiliar with the age verification process and has not received training from Better Factory Cambodia (BFC) or CGTI.
<Proposed Corrective Action>
•Determine specific staff members responsible for the age verification process within the recruitment team.
•Arrange training sessions on age verification procedures and legal requirements through Better Factory Cambodia (BFC) or CGTI.
•Create informative materials (manuals, presentations) that outline the age verification process and best practices.
•Designate a knowledgeable mentor within the organization or from BFC to guide and support the recruitment team.
•Develop and distribute clear SOPs for age verification to all recruitment team members.
•Monitor and evaluate the recruitment team's adherence to age verification protocols and provide feedback as necessary.
(Finding) 3/ The factory fails to provide signed copies of employment contracts to all newly hired employees.
<Proposed Corrective Action>
•Create a clear process for providing signed copies of employment contracts to all newly hired employees.
•Develop a checklist to ensure that signed contracts are issued to employees upon completion of the onboarding process.
•Assign specific personnel responsible for preparing and distributing signed contracts to new hires.
•Provide training to HR staff on the importance of issuing signed contracts and the legal implications of not doing so.
•Create a mechanism for employees to confirm receipt of their contracts and provide feedback on the onboarding process.
•Conduct regular audits of the contract distribution process to identify and rectify any lapses.
(Finding) 4/ There is no formal supplier selection policy to ensure supplier compliance with labor standards, and the factory has never conducted internal assessments on child labor or young workers.
<Proposed Corrective Action>
•Create and implement a formal policy that outlines ethical standards and compliance with labor laws for supplier selection.
•Ensure that the supplier selection criteria include specific compliance requirements related to labor standards and child labor prevention.
•Perform regular internal assessments of suppliers to evaluate compliance with labor standards, particularly concerning child labor and young workers.
•Create a Supplier Code of Conduct detailing expectations regarding labor practices, which all suppliers must acknowledge and sign.
•Provide training for procurement and supply chain management staff on the importance of supplier compliance and how to conduct assessments.
•Develop a monitoring mechanism to regularly review supplier performance and compliance with established labor standards.
•Initiate programs to assist suppliers in achieving compliance with labor standards through education and resources.
•Establish a reporting system for assessing supplier compliance and reviewing findings with management for accountability.
(Finding) 5/ Newly recruited workers from July to October 2024 have not received awareness training on the grievance mechanism policy and procedures.
<Proposed Corrective Action>
•Create a comprehensive training program focused on the grievance mechanism policy and procedures for all newly recruited workers.
•Implement a regular schedule for training sessions to ensure that all new employees are trained within their first month of hire.
•Assign experienced HR personnel or trained representatives to conduct the awareness training sessions for new employees.
•Integrate grievance mechanism training into the onboarding process for all new hires to ensure it is part of their initial experience.
•Gather feedback from newly trained employees to assess the effectiveness of the training and identify areas for improvement.
•Track the completion of grievance mechanism training for all newly hired employees to ensure full participation.
•Regularly review the training content and procedures to ensure they remain relevant and effective, making updates, as necessary.
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